buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD)

bSDD editor | usBIM.bSDD editor | ACCA software

Create object dictionaries and libraries, edit classifications and properties, publish them on the buildingSMART Data Dictionary

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bSDD - buildingSMART Data Dictionary | usBIM.bSDD | ACCA software

Enrich and complete your BIM IFC models with buildingSMART Data Dictionary and classifications

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usBIM.bSDD is an application built into usBIM.
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What is bSDD and what is it for?

The BuildingSMART Data Dictionary is an international library that allows designers, clients, owners and operators on one side, together with manufacturers and product suppliers on the other, to exchange and share built environment data overcoming linguistic and disciplinary barriers.

It's used to ensure that - in an openBIM process - the "door" object will always specify the same meaning in both Iceland and India and that what an architect refers to as "insulation coefficient" corresponds to what an engineer intends with the "U-value" and what the manufacturer knows as "thermal conductivity". Find out more.
bSDD editor | usBIM.bSDD editor | ACCA software

With usBIM.bSDD editor you can also create new dictionaries of your products in the .bSDD format with guided data input, automatic validation and upload to the bSI online service.

Do you want to place your products in the buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD) by leveraging internationally standardized classifications and properties?

With the data input wizard, you can quickly and easily create a new bSDD document:

  • select the default language for the new dictionary
  • assign a name to the domain
  • enter general data, a classification and the relevant information
  • specify synonyms, countries and relationships
  • add multiple classifications and create the hierarchy;
  • add a new property to the dictionary by entering any restrictions, allowed values, countries and relationships

With usBIM.bSDDeditor, associate a specific classification with an existing dictionary property, or associate a specific classification with an external property belonging to another dictionary.

Once the entry is complete, you can validate the classification to verify the presence of any errors and upload it to the buildingSmart International online service for future use.

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usBIM.bSDDeditor, associate a specific classification with an existing dictionary property | usBIM.bsddeditor | ACCA software
With usBIM.bSDD, quickly edit the classifications and properties associated to the elements of an IFC model using the buildingSMART Data Dictionary | usBIM.bSDD | ACCA software
bSDD - buildingSMART Data Dictionary | usBIM.bSDD | ACCA software

With usBIM.bSDD, quickly edit the classifications and properties associated to the elements of an IFC model using the buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD) and generate a new IFC file with your changes.

Want to enrich your BIM models with internationally standardized IFC objects?

usBIM.bSDD is the online application integrated in usBIM that allows you to classify the elements of an IFC format BIM model in compliance with the buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD), the online service that hosts classifications, standards, dictionaries and their properties, allowed values, units and translations.

With usBIM.bSDD you can easily obtain models in the IFC format with properties and values required by specific national and international classifications.

With usBIM.bSDD:

  • access all the information on bSDD
  • select a classification among those present on bSDD
  • classify the single elements present in the IFC file
  • edit the properties required by the classification for each element in a guided workflow
  • highlight elements by classification type using specific validation tools to checks that they are all classified correctly.
  • update the information directly in the IFC file and save it on the usBIM cloud ecosystem.

In addition to national classification systems (Uniclass, Minnd, etc.) and application-specific standards (ETIM, UniversalTypes, IfcAirport, etc.), with usBIM.bSDD you can also store national and company-specific standards in bSDD.

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Try the BIM bSDD built into usBIM

What is bSDD and what is it for?

Video BIM Extender | usBIM.bSDD | ACCA software

The BIM Extender: open standards, tools and services for 100% opeBIM workflows


The “buildingSMART Data Dictionary” (bSDD) is a library of object concepts and related attributes based on the IFD standard (ISO 12006-3).

It is used to identify objects in the built environment and their specific properties regardless of language.

The bSDD is open and international and allows designers, builders and owners on the one hand and product manufacturers and suppliers on the other to share and exchange product information.

BSDD can be accessed at

The bsDD reduces costs and improves the quality of the building process because it proposes definitions, classifications and shared object libraries, reusable and available for all software solutions, all over the world. The bsDD is a service that allows you to enrich the BIM model and verify the validity of the BIM data, automatically find manufacturers' products, extend the IFC files, create information delivery specifications (IDS) and much more.

The bSDD is a comprehensive database that contains information concerning:

  • Classification systems;
  • Standards (for example, ISO standards);
  • Agreements at a company or project level;
  • Comparable concepts in different domains (for example, the same product may have different names depending on the scope);
  • Industry-specific terminology.

The main way to use the buildingSMART data dictionary is to access data from other tools that integrate bSDD APIs. At the moment there are only a few tools that have implemented the data dictionary, usBIM.bSDD is one of the first solutions based on buildingSMART Data Dictionary allowing you to classify elements of a BIM model in the IFC format according to the bSDD.

With the bSDD standard it is possible to "extend the IFC". Beyond a certain detail, it becomes impossible to standardize entities and this is the detail where the IFC format actually ends. The bSDD helps users bridge the gap between the standard and the more specific dictionaries and classification systems that are required to enrich the semantics of a data set in a specific project. This is made possible by providing each term that refers to an entity or property with a unique code. This code allows, ideally, the translation of the same entity into multiple languages.

In a BIM process, as we know, there are many people involved and the risk of communication errors due to linguistic and cultural differences is very high. The bSDD supports the use of BIM and openBIM® standards and removes these risks as it allows the technical terms to be unified regardless of the language used. Each entry in bSDD is mapped to all possible derivatives of this concept in different contexts and languages allowing designers, builders and owners on the one hand and manufacturers and suppliers of products on the other to share and exchange product information. The data dictionary is a great example of how buildingSMART is making standards usable according to the principles of openBIM, breaking down all kinds of communication barriers while making workflows much easier to handle.

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