BIM Viewer

Best BIM model viewer | usBIM.browser | ACCA software

The usBIM application for viewing large sized BIM models online with any device and with great performance.

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usBIM.browser is an extraordinary online browser of BIM models, data and documents integrated in usBIM
Video BIM viewer | usBIM.browser | ACCA software
Free online application integrated in usBIM
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3D BIM viewer for large files with unbeatable speed | usBIM.broswer | ACCA software

The 3D BIM viewer for large files with unbeatable speed

usBIM.browser is the basic BIM viewer which is part of the usBIM system allowing you to:

  • view and manage all BIM data, documents and models directly online
  • view 3D models on the web with any device
  • federate multiple IFC models and other BIM formats into a single BIM model viewer
  • collaborate with connected users on the project in real time
  • use Issues to collaboratively solve potential problems encountered in the model
  • describe problems directly on the IFC model
  • connect construction drawings, descriptions, technical specifications and other documentation all together
  • localize all the IFC model objects information by means of link associations or attribute additional information by inserting #TagBIM keywords
  • get immersive 3D views of BIM models

To get usBIM for free there's no need to download any BIM 3D viewer application. Simply register on the ACCA website and use the BIM viewer online.


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View 3D models, data and documents in a variety of formats and easily manage the entire BIM process online | usBIM.browser | ACCA Software

View 3D models, data and documents in a variety of formats and easily manage the entire BIM process online

usBIM.browser is a free BIM file viewer able to open and manage numerous 3D file formats such as IFC, DWG, RVT, DXF, EDF, SKP and others without the need for BIM viewer software (Revit, Archicad, Allplan etc.).

Your BIM models and objects are fully accessible online and can be easily shared in real time directly in the browser and with any device.

The best BIM viewer integrates with the other applications of the usBIM system and allows you to manage the entire BIM process quickly and easily.

With usBIM.browser connect any type of document (PDF, Word, Excel, etc.) to any BIM model object and connect all kinds of additional information. With this extraordinary BIM viewer you can highlight objects and data using #TagBIM keywords that become tools for organizing searching for information.


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Create a federated BIM model and detect errors and inconsistencies in your project | usBIM.browser | ACCA software

Create a federated BIM model and detect errors and inconsistencies in your project

usBIM.browser provides a special feature to view multiple BIM models in the IFC format in a single view and create a federated BIM model.

Manage 3D models with the different viewing, translation, rotation and scaling options available in the online BIM viewer according to your needs.

From the federated model, check for interferences and inconsistencies by integrating the BIM viewer with dedicated applications (usBIM.clash and usBIM.checker).

In particular, analyse any possible:

  • geometric interferences between objects, models and drawings (Clash detection)
  • information inconsistencies with respect to rules and regulations (Code Checking).

    Looking for a BIM model viewer free use?

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    Assign and resolve co-working issues related to BIM models | usBIM.browser | ACCA Software

    Assign and resolve co-working issues related to BIM models

    With usBIM.browser address modelling issues in co-working.

    The BIM model viewer for accelerating and optimizing the reviewing processes:

    • identify, report and assign interference and criticalities to specialized teams members;
    • send messages, comments and links in a single environment without using emails, images, spreadsheets etc;
    • keep track of issue revisions with the aid of the comments, notes and images "history" logs;
    • resolve critical issues in real time before construction.

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    Experience the project even before realization

    With usBIM.browser online DWG viewer, view rendered models of IFC, EDF, RVT or SKP files with advanced architectural visualization functions (rendering, real-time rendering and immersive virtual reality).

    Immerse yourself in the BIM model and:

    • verify project effectiveness directly together with any conflicts in an extremely advanced way;
    • try different solutions and options and evaluate their feasibility in real time;
    • improve communication with your client in a clear and engaging manner using extraordinary immersive experiences.
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    BIM viewer online FAQ

    usBIM.browser is one of the 15 free applications included in usBIM.10 allowing you to view and manage large BIM models, documents and data with maximum power and speed, all completely online and from any device.

    Going into more detail, with usBIM.browser you can:

    • open and view all documents and models in different formats (IFC, EDF, EDL, RVT, RFA, DAE, OBJ, 3DS, SKP, DXF, DWG, PDF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, etc.);
    • browse through large 3D models from any device without having any BIM authoring and without installing any software;
    • share your work without having to exchange files, simply pass a link to your customers and colleagues;
    • navigate in real-time or in immersive virtual reality and analyze every single property of the IFC objects belonging to the digital model;
    • attach data and information to the objects of any 3D model;
    • federate multiple IFC models into a single view, creating tags, annotations, links and georeferenced content.

    Using usBIM.browser brings many advantages in the work of technicians, speeding up and simplifying both ordinary and more complex operations. In fact, with a free application, it is possible to have a very powerful tool to manage and navigate even large files, generated with any BIM authoring and without installing any specific software. This means that with usBIM.browser you can easily browse models created with Revit (or any other BIM software) even without having Revit on your computer.

    You can browse any type of 3D file: architectural, structural models, plant engineering and ranging from large to small scale without problems and with any device. In addition to viewing the model, you can also query each element or attach information and data to create a real set of files linked together in advanced and complex models but managed with extreme simplicity.

    Being browser based, you can view files using any device. In this way you can consult your work files while you are on the train, on the construction site or at a customer's home, even using your tablet or a simple smartphone.

    You can manage large files without taking up space on your PC and share your work with extreme simplicity and speed.

    You can collaborate with your colleagues and exchange models and files even if you don't use the same software.

    usBIM.browser is a free BIM model viewer and one of the 15 free applications that form the usBIM.10 integrated system.

    usBIM is a scalable system. That means you can build up your preferred eco-system according to your needs, you can implement and customize it with many additional functions available in

    Accessing usBIM.browser is very simple and all you need is a simple myACCA service registration.

    In detail, all you need to do is:

    • access the usBIM page;
    • enter your myACCA credentials (email used for registration and password);
    • click on “Login”.

    If you are not already registered, go to the ACCA website and follow the instructions for registering with myACCA.

    At this point you are already granted fee access to the usBIM.10 features where you can view and manage your BIM models with usBIM.browser, the free BIM viewer software.

    Remember that you don't need to look for a BIM viewer free download. usBIM.browser is a BIM web viewer, so you can access from the browser and from any device (PC, tablet or smartphone).

    With usBIM.browser you can view, manage and browse different formats, both open and proprietary, without having to install any software.

    For example, you can view the following formats:

    • 3DS (3D Studio);
    • EDF (Edificius);
    • EDL (EdiLus);
    • HSBIM (CerTus HSBIM);
    • DWG/DXF (CAD format - Autodesk);
    • DAE (Collada);
    • DGN (CAD Format - Bentley Microstation);
    • ICDD (Data Drop);
    • IFC (OpenBIM 3D Model);
    • OBJ (3D Model);
    • PDF (PDF);
    • RFA (Revit);
    • RVT (Revit);
    • SKP (SketchUp);
    • BMP (Image);
    • JPEG (Image);
    • GIF (Image);
    • JPG (Image);
    • PNG (Image);
    • TIF (Image);
    • TIFF (Image);
    • SVG (Image);
    • TGA (Image).

    With no need of a BIM viewer download, you can view the BIM and IFC models directly online in several ways:

    • real-time rendering (RTBIM);
    • virtual reality.

    These viewing modes allow you to browse 3D views of your IFC, EDF, RVT or SKP files directly from your browser and in real time.

    This way you can:

    • have a realistic view of BIM models with advanced Real-Time Rendering functions;
    • immerse yourself in the BIM model with virtual reality and immediately verify the effectiveness of the project and also assess any conflicts;
    • get easy to access information and data attached to BIM objects with the augmented reality view of the model;
    • browse 3D models even if you don't have any BIM authoring.

    usBIM, the BIM management system, scalable and configurable according to your needs.

    Get started with 15 applications and 10GB of cloud storage space for free. Then choose the applications that you need to configure your usBIM experience according to your preferred workflow!

    • usBIM is the online system that integrates different types of BIM tools:
      • BIM interoperability tools: allowing full interoperability during the various phases of construction design, execution and the relating maintenance processes
      • BIM collaboration tools: specific BIM tools for improved collaboration and sharing of information among all the various stakeholders involved in creating or updating the digital twin during the project's entire life cycle.
    • With usBIM, manage the project, construction management and maintenance phases of a building or infrastructure, starting from the free usBIM.10 solution.
    • usBIM offers you infinite configurations with functions, applications and cloud storage space that you can activate from the online store.
    • Only subscribe to the BIM tools that you really need.
    • Keep your usBIM tools under control. Check out your current configurations and remain updated with the latest available plugins.
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