Thermal Bridge Software

Free Thermal Bridge Software | TerMus BRIDGE | ACCA software

Discover the thermal bridges simulation and calculation software with an internal high-performance FEM solver

The professional solution for simulating and calculating thermal bridges and Psi-Values (Ψ) with different material compositions of any shape or form!

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Tool thermal bridge analysis free for a month | TerMus BRIDGE | ACCA software

TerMus BRIDGE is the Thermal Bridge software that uses finite element analysis, fully compliant with the EN ISO 10211:2017, EN ISO 14683:2008 and EN ISO 13788:2013 technical standards.

Thanks to an innovative graphical input and its numerical solver, TerMus BRIDGE allows you to define structures with great precision reproducing true physical conditions to get highly professional results. Define endless combinations of thermal bridges using direct visual input.
Video Psi-Value Calculator Tool | TerMus BRIDGE | ACCA software

Why calculate thermal bridges with TerMus BRIDGE?

Simple to use thanks to its advanced graphical input and to its extremely intuitive user interface. Complete, with several pre-defined thermal bridge models to choose from and design any type of your own.

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Thermal Bridge definition | TerMus BRIDGE | ACCA software

Thermal Bridge definition

With TerMus BRIDGE you can define any kind of Thermal Bridge with graphical objects that contain all the relevant data and properties necessary for numerical calculation allowing you to manually input materials and boundary characteristics.

You can import construction details in DXF/DWG CAD file format to quickly draw a thermal bridge of any shape and form. Zoom, SNAP, radial or rectangular grids give extra drawing guidance.

If your Thermal Bridge is among the standard configuration models, you can easily select it from the archive (EN ISO 14863), and customize its thermal and geometric data to quickly generate the calculation model.

TerMus BRIDGE is integrated with TerMus PLUS, the ACCA dynamic energy analysis and simulation software.

Thanks to the live connection between the two solutions you can acquire the materials data inserted TerMus PLUS in TerMus BRIDGE.


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Numerical calculations with TheBriNA integrated solver | TerMus BRIDGE | ACCA software

Numerical calculations with TheBriNA integrated solver

With TerMus BRIDGE you’ll be able to quickly get the thermal bridge calculation from a simple drawing thanks to TheBriNA calculation solver (Thermal Bridges Numerical Analysis) included in the software.

TerMus BRIDGE allows you to:

  • calculate the (Ψ Psi-value) linear thermal transmittance of thermal bridges
  • evaluate heat flows, thermal coupling coefficients and thermal bridges towards soils or any other temperature zones and verify the correct configuration of the thermal bridges in a given structure.
  • generate a chromatic contour line representation for further detailing including the critical isotherm curves
  • evaluate the risk of mould formation according to the EN ISO 13788 technical standard
  • evaluate the fRsi temperature factor
  • the minimum temperature risk for mould growth

TerMus BRIDGE analyses thermal bridges determining the linear thermal transmittance and heat flows using a finite element analysis model compliant with EN ISO 10211.


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Technical Report | TerMus BRIDGE | ACCA software

Technical Report

TerMus BRIDGE provides:

  • the calculation results of linear thermal transmittance of the various thermal bridges
  • the graphical results that show temperature distribution and the flux lines.

It automatically generates a complete calculation report that can even be easily modified, printed and exported in standard file formats using the internal Word Processor tool.


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Try the Psi-value calculator software for free for a month.

Mould growth risk assessment | TerMus BRIDGE | ACCA software

Mould growth risk assessment

TerMus BRIDGE, in accordance with EN ISO 13788, allows you to determine the minimum surface temperature to assess the risk of mould formation taking into account the effects of air humidity.

Assess the risk of mould growth on building surfaces in advance and avoid critical dimensional errors already in the design.


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