IFC Checker and BIM Validation

IFC model Checker | usBIM.checker | ACCA software

Control and manage IFC data for each information exchange of the BIM process.

Use usBIM's IFC checker for free now for better BIM data validation.

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BIM validation software | usBIM.checker | ACCA software

Find out how to check and validate all IFC format model data during each phase of the BIM process!

Video IFC Checker and BIM Validation | usBIM.checker | ACCA software
BIM validation software | usBIM.checker | ACCA software

Verify and check the property values of IFC model objects

Data verification | usBIM.checker | ACCA software

Verify the correctness of the data assigned to properties in relation to predefined values

CheckList | usBIM.checker | ACCA software

Generate data requirement checklists for your IFC model

Editing IFC | usBIM.checker | ACCA software

Insert, modify and delete properties of an IFC model

Import excel file | usBIM.checker | ACCA software

Add data imported from an excel file to an IFC file

Congruence report | usBIM.checker | ACCA software

Generate validation reports between IFC file data and checklists

BIM quality assurance and validation checklist | usBIM.checker | ACCA software

BIM quality assurance and validation checklist: how to perform a model quality check using a complete and reliable IFC checker

usBIM.checker is the BIM model checker for validating IFC model data with respect to project or contract requirements.

The software allows the BIM specialist (BIM specialist, BIM coordinator, BIM manager, etc.) to:

  • create BIM validation checklists for IFC model checking;
  • carry out automatic model checks on the information contained in the IFC models.

With usBIM.checker obtaining IFC format models with properties and values as required by BIM project specifications couldn’t be easier (e.g. LOIN - Level Of Information Need) or by EIR (Employer Information Requirements), BIM Execution Plan, etc.


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Discover the IFC model checker integrated in usBIM

How optimize BIM Validation process with specialized and versatile BIM checker compared to BIM Authoring solutions | usBIM.checker | ACCA software

How to optimize the BIM Validation process with a specialized and versatile BIM checker compared to BIM Authoring solutions (Revit, Edificius, ArchiCAD, etc.)

The BIM validation software allows you to solve the problems related to the verification phase, the insertion and deleting of IFC properties (PSets) and facilitates all of those typical operations that would result to be cumbersome and complex with a BIM authoring.

With usBIM.checker, you can:

  • create filters and rule sets
  • select types of objects (ifc type)
  • check and modify properties and values

Make any checks and modifications on the selected entities:

  • identify correct properties and values;
  • add missing properties and values;
  • change or delete incorrect values and properties.

The software can also be used to clear unnecessary properties in model objects before being shared with other professionals and team members. This function is very important in order to filter building information used in the Authoring software (Revit, ArchiCAD, Edificius, etc.) that should stay confidential.


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Federate BIM model data produced by different BIM Authoring software and BIM Tools | usBIM.checker | ACCA software

Federate BIM model data produced by different BIM Authoring software and BIM Tools

usBIM.checker allows you to integrate data from different BIM Authoring programs and Tools into a single file in the IFC openBIM file format.

Data can be exported from the source software, processed accordingly and imported into usBIM.checker in the Excel format.

Data produced with a BIM Tool is also easily added to the IFC file object properties.


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Discover the BIM model checking software integrated in usBIM

Analyze the BIM validation results using automatic and detailed reports | usBIM.checker | ACCA software

Analyze the BIM validation results using automatic and detailed reports

With an IFC validator, you can get automatic IFC detailed reports of the inconsistencies between the BIM validation checklist data and the datasets contained within the IFC model.

In detail, usBIM.checker produces checklists for:

  • all objects (Windows, Mullions, Walls, Facade Panels, Floors, Doors, Facade Systems, etc.) that do not comply with the checklist parameters by highlighting incorrect property values;
  • all properties not present in the model and included in the control checklists that must be entered

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Discover how to get a BIM model validation checklist in usBIM

usBIM.checker in brief

Advanced verification and control functions

Basic IFC model viewing functions
  • Importing IFC Model files created with BIM authoring such as Revit® or 3D software such as SketchUp®.
  • IFC model viewing (with viewing styles management and customisations)
  • 3D models conversion to IFC objects
  • virtual model navigation (properties and classifications)

Basic IFC model editing functions

  • insertion, replacement and deleting of geometrical parts of entities
  • manual insertion, modification and deleting of model properties
  • moving and rotating information models and aligning it with other models within the federation
  • automatic insertion, modification and deleting of model properties (by comparison with user-defined checklists)
  • adding of properties and values to IFC files generated by different BIM tools and imported into usBIM.checker with simple excel files
  • creation of new classifications
  • export new versions of the IFC model

Advanced verification and control functions

  • verification of the existence of object properties
  • view and control property values of BIM model objects
  • property value correctness checks against predefined values
  • generation of BIM validation Checklist (based on properties and classifications)
  • import properties from excel files
  • automatic generation of IFC reports between properties and values contained in the IFC file and those defined in the control templates


BIM validation is the process of validating the accuracy and completeness of the data in a BIM model. Specifically, with BIM validation, the model is verified against a set of predetermined criteria to ensure that it meets all the necessary requirements.

This process can be carried out manually or through the use of software.

Manual data validation involves reviewing the data within the model and comparing it with reference documents such as drawings, reports and plans.

Automatic data validation can be performed using software that verifies the model against a set of rules or criteria. In both cases, the goal is to ensure that the model data is correct and complete.

Data validation is an important part of any BIM project, as it helps to ensure that the model can be used to accurately represent the construction project.

It contains information of various types (geometric data, properties, relationships with other objects).

The BIM data validation process is important to ensure that the BIM model is of high quality and meets the user's needs. Through the BIM data validation process it is possible to:

  • ensure that the model data is accurate and up-to-date and meets the project's requirements;
  • identify errors, omissions and discrepancies in the data;
  • ensure that the project can be completed on time and on budget;
  • increase the efficiency of the BIM modeling process.

The purpose of BIM validation is to ensure that all the information used in the design and construction phases of a project is correct. It is therefore clear that BIM validation is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to ensure that their building or construction project runs smoothly from start to finish.

Designers, BIM Specialists, BIM Coordinators and BIM Managers who need to assign, verify or eliminate certain characteristics of the BIM model or the contracting authority operators (public bodies/consultants) in charge of controlling the delivered projects may be involved in the BIM validation processes.

usBIM.checker checks all entity-related properties from 'smart' object selections.

usBIM.checker is very useful for the verification phase of an IFC model, in summary it can:

  • verify the existence of properties of objects;
  • view and check property values;
  • verify the correctness of values;
  • generate and export property control templates;
  • insert, modify and delete properties;
  • generate a consistency report between the properties and the values contained in the IFC file.

With usBIM.checker you can define the following conditions:

  • At least - enables the IFC model to be granted 'at least' the properties that are listed in the spaces provided;
  • Only - allows you to determine "only" those properties that must be present in the IFC model
  • Verification - allows you to check whether the properties that have been identified in the spaces provided are present in the IFC model;
  • Delete - this function gives the possibility to delete the properties present in the model (in this case there is no possibility to use a selection filter as in the previous cases).


usBIM.checker is an IFC file checker designed to solve the problems of checking, inserting and deleting properties.

It can greatly simplify all those operations that would be much more cumbersome and complex with a typical BIM authoring.

Yes, with usBIM.checker you can export your template for use in another project (the template is separate from the model).

With these templates, you can take advantage of the same selection and control filters on several templates and optimise the verification operations.

You can easily create a template by selecting appropriate filters (object selection criteria), identifying attributes, PsetNames, properties, etc., and specifying the properties to be inserted or checked (checks to be made on properties).

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  • usBIM is the online system that integrates different types of BIM tools:
    • BIM interoperability tools: allowing full interoperability during the various phases of construction design, execution and the relating maintenance processes
    • BIM collaboration tools: specific BIM tools for improved collaboration and sharing of information among all the various stakeholders involved in creating or updating the digital twin during the project's entire life cycle.
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