BIM federated model software

Federation of BIM Models | usBIM.federation | ACCA software

Use the new BIM federated model software for free.

Federate even the most complex BIM and openBIM® models, DWG, DXF, point clouds, RVT files, IFC files...!

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Federation of BIM Models | usBIM.federation | ACCA software

If you're looking for a more complete, multidisciplinary geo-referenced vision of your design and construction project...

With usBIM.federation you can now combine different specialized models (architectural, structural, plant engineering, etc.) and get an overview of the entire project. Here's how BIM simplifies information sharing, coordination of activities and interference control for digital models.

The ultimate BIM tool for power and speed with usBIM's amazing federation and visualization features

usBIM.federation allows you to easily aggregate BIM models created by specialists from different disciplines (such as architects, structural engineers) into a single federated 3D BIM model directly online.

Get access to your software solution for federated models allowing you to open and aggregate hundreds of complex geometries supporting a wide range of formats (IFC files, point clouds, textured meshes, 3D BIM models, etc.).

Access the online application, create a folder and select your files ready for federating. Just a few simple steps to create a federated model of the project and view with a simple browser, without installing any software.

View models as combined federated building information model for viewing in every single part | usBIM.federation | ACCA software

View individual models as a combined federated building information model ready for high-performance viewing in every single part

usBIM.federation proposes a specific tree structure of federated IFC models to manage different viewing, moving, rotation and scaling options with easy to use usBIM.browser commands.

You can "hide or show" individual model objects, adjust transparency levels to view and deal with clash detection/clash avoidance and interference aspects, manage entity colour mapping to visually identify elements within the federation.


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Create information-enriched BIM federated models | usBIM.federation | ACCA software

Create increasingly advanced, complex and information-enriched BIM federated models for your project team

Federated BIM models can be integrated with information and documentation (data-sheets , photos, 360 pano-images) that add further details to the entire model improving information flows and comprehension of the project and in compliance with international standards.

With usBIM.federation you can:

  • create logical links between the federated model and the documentation present on the CDE platform, or with other data and content coming from other sources
  • associate additional information (#TagBIM keywords) to the objects of the IFC model that enable powerful visual filters, simplify organization and speed up data search processes

The federated BIM model becomes a georeferenced information platform present within the CDE.


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Optimize BIM process by integrating federated models with BIM model coordination functions | usBIM.federation | ACCA software

Optimize the entire BIM process by integrating federated models with advanced BIM model coordination functions

With the integrated system of applications, federate your BIM models in the IFC format, work on a multitude of design aspects, you have an IFC checker and BIM clash detection software and accelerate the entire collaboration process during design and construction processes:

  • coordinate multidisciplinary project teams, professionals, BIM managers and companies from different locations even if they work with different BIM software
  • get access to an instant messaging service with advanced team working functions
  • organize online meetings and conference calls with your work colleagues
  • share data, documents and 3D/BIM models in the cloud

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usBIM, the BIM management system, scalable and configurable according to your needs.

Get started with 15 applications and 10GB of cloud storage space for free. Then choose the applications that you need to configure your usBIM experience according to your preferred workflow!

  • usBIM is the online system that integrates different types of BIM tools:
    • BIM interoperability tools: allowing full interoperability during the various phases of construction design, execution and the relating maintenance processes
    • BIM collaboration tools: specific BIM tools for improved collaboration and sharing of information among all the various stakeholders involved in creating or updating the digital twin during the project's entire life cycle.
  • With usBIM, manage the project, construction management and maintenance phases of a building or infrastructure, starting from the free usBIM.10 solution.
  • usBIM offers you infinite configurations with functions, applications and cloud storage space that you can activate from the online store.
  • Only subscribe to the BIM tools that you really need.
  • Keep your usBIM tools under control. Check out your current configurations and remain updated with the latest available plugins.
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