Church facility management software

Church facilities management software | usBIM.maint | ACCA software

Looking for a solution to manage all church facility management activities?

Discover usBIM.maint, the software to make the right decisions on the maintenance and safety of religious and cult structures while conserving heritage over time and minimizing costs.

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Church facility scheduling software | usBIM.maint | ACCA software

The maintenance of churches is often ignored and considered as secondary not only due to lack of funds. Wear, damage to equipment and artefacts that fall into ruin are often the consequence of poor organization and an unprofessional management of maintenance activities.

usBIM.maint provides a simple and intuitive way to manage church maintenance activities, from scheduling and tracking work orders to managing budgets and archives.

Resource Maintenance

Manage your religious structure's resources : increase their lifespan, reduce downtime and strategically plan each investment.

Energy management

You'll have a dashboard for real-time management of religious facilities' energy consumption: quickly control energy consumption, identify any anomalies therefore optimizing energy management to avoid waste.

Preventive maintenance

Create preventative maintenance plans avoiding costly asset problems to ensure their maximum performance.

Maintenance Requests

Give your maintenance team an intuitive interface to efficiently handle every maintenance request. Assign an intervention, indicate the priority and monitor the maintenance activities' progress

Access from anywhere

Make facility management easier for churches by using a fully cloud-based platform. Access your information from apps anywhere, on any device thus allowing you to quickly communicate with everyone involved.

Resource monitoring

Monitor and control every aspect of facility managements' process through automated and customizable reports. Easily analyze asset performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize every resource in your religious organization.

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Simplify the ticketing process and make sure all requests are handled correctly | usBIM.maint | ACCA software

Simplify the ticketing process and make sure all requests are handled correctly

Managing facilities for places of worship can be a complex and challenging task. In addition to the maintenance of the actual building itself,ensuring its good condition throughout time, dealing with sudden failures and requests for emergency interventions is also a frequent demand that needs to be addressed appropriately.

With usBIM.maint the church maintenance software, all work order requests are collected and stored in a single cloud environment where you have a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to:

  • visualise and track equipment in 3D or in plan view
  • geolocate ticket requests
  • open tickets directly from the facility's floor plans and from the 3D model.

A call center service is also available to the less experienced users, which facilitates ticket registration.

With usBIM.maint, not only can you simplify the ticketing process, but you also have the certainty that all requests are handled correctly and that all necessary information is fully available at all times.


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Automatic maintenance plans to save money up to 30% compared to typical maintenance costs | usBIM.maint | ACCA software

Automatic maintenance plans to save money up to 30% compared to typical maintenance costs

Proper maintenance of religious structures is the fundamental condition for the good maintenance of buildings.

It is necessary that the structure and equipment last as long as possible, for this reason it is necessary to program the interventions so as not to forget any type of maintenance or repair.

With usBIM.maint the planning of maintenance activities is no longer a problem! After an initial setup of the maintenance cards, the software automatically generates a maintenance plan that saves you time and all costs related to planning errors.

usBIM.maint also provides a mobile application that allows maintenance personnel to:

  • get guidance in the execution of repair activities through the data sheets in the cloud accessible from any device with all the necessary information (personal data, location, scheduled maintenance, maintenance interventions and documents)
  • communicate in real time the progress of the work.

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Ask about one of the best church facility management solutions
Detailed reporting to make strategic decisions and ensure religious structures always at the top | usBIM.maint | ACCA software

Detailed reporting to make strategic decisions and ensure religious structures always at the top

usBIM.maint, the church facility maintenance software, offers numerous automated reports that simplify how you monitor your church's maintenance activities.

Referring to detailed reports allows you to easily and intuitively view all necessary information making strategic decisions based on data.

Customize your report layouts according to your specific needs and easily have everything under control:

  • understand the performance of equipment, resources and facilities;
  • information concerning equipment allowing you to decide whether to repair or replace it;
  • number of interventions with the related costs.

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Facility room scheduling software for churches | usBIM.maint | ACCA software

Churches are a historical and cultural heritage and their maintenance
is of crucial importance.
Choose to manage them more efficiently, try usBIM.maint!

usBIM.maint improves the management of religious structures

Without usBIM.maint

  • Difficulties monitoring available resources carries inefficiencies on religious events' management.
  • Resulting on a lack of detailed reports to optimize resource management and lifespan.
  • Limited ability to control work orders from opening to completion.
  • Inability to easily schedule recurring maintenance activities needed to ensure religious facilities readiness to safely host visitors and staff.
  • Difficulty communicating with the entire team and assigning tasks to keep track of activities carried out.

With usBIM.maint:

  • A single centralized system to easily monitor available resources ensuring facilities' efficient management success in any religious' event.
  • Detailed easy-to-read reports to better monitor and manage all resources increasing their lifespan.
  • Features to keep work orders under control, from opening to completion.
  • Features to plan recurring maintenance activities ensuring safe religious facilities readiness to accommodate visitors and staff.
  • simplified communication with the entire team, assigning tasks and keep track of all the activities carried out.

What you need to know about church facility management

Church facility management (or church building maintenance) is, as the expression itself suggests, the maintenance of religious and places of worship buildings.

We normally tend to think that the maintenance of a church, or of a religious building more generally, stops at simple repairs of the roof, cleaning of the facades or recovery and reinforcement of the internal vaults.

But the cult buildings are living buildings and for this reason they continue to use equipment and systems to serve kitchens, bathrooms, heating, etc. This means that they require continuous maintenance, both routine and emergency and this is what church building maintenance deals with.

Similar to the maintenance of other structures, there are three possible methodologies to maintenance management of religious buildings:

  • corrective: consisting in intervening when a certain damage event has already occurred;
  • preventive: consisting in scheduled and periodic maintenance in order to prevent the occurrence of damage, breakages or malfunctions;
  • predictive: consisting in monitoring the structure thanks to specific sensors or devices. Based on the data collected through these devices, an evaluation becomes necessary as to whether an intervention has to be arranged, in what time and how.

The ultimate goal is to ensure that these precious and fascinating buildings are also functional and safe.

In the case of religious buildings, you can define a checklist to keep the structure performing throughout its entire life-cycle. It should contain at least the following points:

  • Roofing structures:
    As with all buildings, even for religious buildings, maintaining the roof structures in perfect condition is essential for the health of the entire structure. In the case of old churches and therefore buildings of historical heritage, the roof structues often become weak elements and may have already undergone damage processes. That's why they need careful and continuous maintenance in order to keep the entire building safe from infiltrations and atmospheric agents. The situation must be assessed on a case-by-case basis, but in general, it;s always useful to control:
    • roof tiles;
    • any roof layer composite elements;
    • presence of accumulated debris;
    • presence of animals or plants;
    • corrosion of any metallic elements;
    • presence of moisture accross supporting joists or beams.
  • Rainwater drainage systems:
    rainwater drainage is certainly an important water management aspect and if not taken care of adequately, may often cause critical issues due to serious structural damage. That's why it's important to carry out periodic checks according to the time of year, verifying that the gutter channels and downpours are not clogged and that they can guarantee the perfect removal of rainwater.
  • Walls:
    when we are in the presence of churches belonging to the historical architectural heritage, the walls are among the parts of the building less reworked and therefore more tell the original construction techniques. They often tend to show the effects of degradation or damage due to mechanical actions deriving from the internal pressure from the roof tops. Maintaining the integrity of these elements is absolutely a priority but in doing so it is likely that the collaboration of various professional roles is necessary – historians, experts in art history, structuralists, architects. A multidisciplinary team will be able to maintain both the security and the historical identity of the building.
  • Windows and doors:
    even in this case, if they are historic churches, it's likely that the windows are still the original wooden and decorated glass elements, so careful maintenance means preserving these small treasures of architecture over time. For their correct maintenance, it's always useful to check:
    • opening and closing mechanisms;
    • presence of condensation, infiltration and humidity;
    • the state of the wooden elements and the possible presence of xylophages;
    • the condition of the metallic parts;
    • the correct operation of the fire doors.
  • Equipment and systems:
    Churches are living and practiced buildings and for this reason, they also use electrical, plumbing and HVAC equipment and systems. It's therefore essential to carry out regular maintenance of all parts of the systems in order to keep them safe and fully functional.
  • External relevance:
    Very often churches are also surrounded by land plots that must therefore be included in the list of checkpoints. Taking care of outdoor spaces includes:
    • keeping pedestrian paths clean and safe;
    • taking care of plants and trees;
    • cutting branches that may obstruct pathways;
    • checking that water outflows are kept efficient;
    • checking the good condition of any statues;
    • keeping parking spaces safe.
  • Furniture:
    To keep the church usable and in total safety, it may also be useful to add elements which are functional to the church to the checklist. For example, checkpoints for verifying the good condition of any benches and presence of wood chips.

Religious structures are buildings subject to large flows of people, visitors or churchgoers and to an equal degree of wear and tear. That's basically why it's very important that their management and maintenance is carried out as accurately as possible, correctly analysing intervention time-periods together with all the parts of the building that need to be monitored. The main aim is to maintain the originalityusability and safety of these buildings.

These are often large buildings but above all peculiar constructions, both from an architectural-constructive point of view and from a historical point of view. That's why it's necessary that maintenance tasks are managed using a precise maintenance plan that takes into account all aspects characterizing these valuable structures of built heritage.